We provide an office clearance service and for your piece of mind we will dispose of any confidential and sensitive waste. Our Waste Management Centre in Burton enables commercial businesses and the general public to dispose of their waste using their own transport. Our on-site weigh bridge facility and tipping bays make waste disposal quick and hassle free. Rest assured, we have invested heavily in our recycling plant and have a state of the art recycling process which ensures we meet our target of recycling over 90% of the waste that enters our Recycling Centre.
Open & enclosed skips
Office Clearance
Confidential Waste Disposal
Weigh Bridge Facility Available
Asbestos Removal
24/7 Online Booking Service
Same Day Delivery
Wait & Load
Permits Arranged
At Golding Skip Hire we take health and safety seriously and are proud to be awarded the accreditation from Safecontractor for our ongoing commitment to achieving excellence in health and safety.